Friday, April 8, 2011

[Work-In-Progress] IS (Infinite Stratos): Shinonono Houki

Hi, Josh here.

Yeah, I have been inactive for almost a year, let's change that. Here is my newest (for not saying my first) WIP of a complete full-scratch figure. This time the subject is Shinonono Houki from the recently released and finished show Infinite Stratos (IS).

OK, to be completely honest, I did intended last year to use this body made of Fando to build a Kos-Mos figure from Xenosaga. However, after that, I noticed the figma Kos-Mos was announced and later the one by Alter. So, right now I'm one of those patient people waiting for their Kos-Mos at the end of this month.

The current lack of decent IS figures, added with the fact that I'm almost broke and my constant lurking at Fg-Site had finally give the courage to make this project. And to be honest, I'm quite enjoying this at the moment. I'm currently using the "Kawaii Onnanoko Figyua wo Tsukurou!" (かわいい女の子フィギュアを作ろう!) series of books as reference to build this figure. I think this books have been one of the best investments I have ever made, and I totally recommend them to anyone who would like to try and build a figure out of complete scratch.

Since I'm still a novice in this (although not a novice in sculpture), I'm preparing this figure so she can carry later her IS unit. Thus, she will be wearing her IS attire which is basically a one-piece swimsuit with stockings. Eventually, I would like to make a version in uniform, of course.

Right now I'm getting used to this "making-2D-people-into-3D" thing, and as I'm getting a grasp of it I think I can manage to do it quicker in other projects to come.

The figure right now is in a kind of "pre-form" stage. I still need to correct a few things in the body-line. But, lately I have mostly been working on the face and the head. Although many details are yet to be added, I managed to get the hair into detachable pieces for easier painting once it's completed. Also, I made an extra "rear-head-piece" because I'm planing to make it somehow interchangeable in order to display her with either her ponytail of straight hair.

 I'm not working any scale in particular, but she is currently around 20cm tall, so that makes her in the range of an average 1/8 scale, maybe.

I'm really proud of my first attempt, and hope to have more updates soon. I don't know when I'll be doing the IS "bits" that will go next, but at least she'll be ready when the time comes. I'm not planing to make a mold and cast her in resin, I would like to get used to making these figures before even bothering to do so. Besides, it feels great when you have a figure you like so much and it happens to be the only one available in the world.

Anyway, feel free to leave any comments. I hope this time I'll make more updates on this project, and stay tuned.


  1. No sé si debo escribir el comentario en inglés o español, escribiré en los dos igual jaja. En serio estoy impresionado, está excelente tu trabajo, me gusta mucho el personaje y me parece muy interesante el hecho que puedas llevar de 2 dimensiones a 3, es muy complicado, creo, desarrollando juegos como animador 3D podríamos trabajar juntos jajaja, espero que puedas completarlo, va por muy buen camino, dedícale el tiempo que quieras, siempre te sentirás muy bien cuando veas que tiene una buena forma, felicitaciones.

    A summary for people who don't speak Spanish. I'm impressed about it, it's quite good I think, excelent work. I love the character and think that transforming a character from 2D to 3D is something very difficult, if you like the idea we could work together making videogames, you model characters and I do programming :). I hope you can complete it, congratulations!.

  2. disculpa de que material estas haciendo tu figura?
    es muy interesante tu trabajo en este modelo
    mm apenas termine de ver la serie y me agrado!

    1. Qué tal yuzuru hikaru, gracias por tu comentario. El material es una masilla a base de papel que seca en el aire. La marca en particular se llama "Fando", que compré mientras vivía en Japón.

      He encontrado masillas similares en Estados Unidos, pero no en México; así que no sé si haya un equivalente en países de habla hispana.

      El New Fando que utilicé se puede conseguir para importación en la tienda Hobby Link Japan. Pese a que puede resultar un poco caro ya con envío, realmente un bloque alcanza para mucho (lo que ocupé en este progreso bien pudiera ser sólo 1/4 del bloque), y realmente vale mucho la pena como material.
